OUR PRICES are:BEAUTY SALONfacial treatment: 6900 Ftface massage: 2000 HUFmakeup: 3000-10000 Ftresin:armpit 1100 Ft,knee length 2200 Ft, 3300 feet, all the way throughcum on 1500-2500 Ft,arm resin, 1600Eyelash dyeing: 900 Ft3D Eyelash: 8000 Huf on SALE instead of $ 12,000!Image oxigen treatment: 15.000 HUFMikrodermabrázio: 5000-8000FtHAIR SALONHaircut: 5300-6500 Ftdrying: 3000-4000 Ftmen's cut: 2000-3500 Hufchildren: 2000-3000 Ftbun: 4,000-15,000 Fthair color: 6500 Ftpainting, Cinematography: 8200 FtMANICUREsmooth: 1800 Ft lakozással: 2600 Hufparaffin hand care: 1700 Ftgéllakk: 3500 HufNAIL DESIGNTip-gel: 5500-6500 FtPEDICURE3200 Ft lacquering: 4000 Hufgel varnish feet: 3000 Hufpedicure + gel varnish: 4800 Ft
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